The average house price on HOWLEY PARK ROAD is £3,468,184
The most expensive house in the street is GEORGE WALKER TRANSPORT HOWLEY PARK ROAD with an estimated value of £4,928,941
The cheapest house in the street is KODAK POLYCHROME GRAPHICS HOWLEY PARK ROAD with an estimated value of £2,242,908
The house which was most recently sold was F T L CO LTD HOWLEY PARK ROAD, this sold on 10 Oct 2022 for £3,243,500
The postcodes for HOWLEY PARK ROAD are LS27 0QS, LS27 0BN, LS27 0QT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
F T L CO LTD HOWLEY PARK ROAD £3,232,703 £3,243,500 10 Oct 2022
GEORGE WALKER TRANSPORT HOWLEY PARK ROAD £4,928,941 £4,000,000 20 May 2020
KODAK POLYCHROME GRAPHICS HOWLEY PARK ROAD £2,242,908 £1,800,000 10 Aug 2018